Busy Bag Feeder

Keep your chickens focused on working for food instead of picking on coop mates.


Blue Seal Broiler Crumbles Medicated 50 Lbs

SKU #'s

  • 80150
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  • Not Available In-store at Colchester Mackey's
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  • Not Available In-store at Woodstock Mackey's

Broiler Crumbles AM Medicated is a complete feed for starting and growing broilers, capons and roaster chickens.

Features & Benefits

Contains Amprolium

Contains Amprolium - Added to a broiler feeding program to aid in the prevention of coccidiosis.

High Energy

High Energy - Contains 6.5 % fat for efficient growth and finishing.

High Levels of Lysine and Methionine

High Levels of Lysine and Methionine - To optimize growth rate, feed efficiency and meat quality of the modern broiler.

Chelated Trace Minerals

Chelated Trace Minerals - The greater absorption and utilization of zinc, copper and manganese helps meet the high requirements for bone, muscle and tissue strength in growing and finishing broilers.

Added Selenium and Vitamin E

Added Selenium and Vitamin E - Together, selenium and vitamin E act to maintain normal muscle function and provide antioxidant protection to body tissues. Selenium and vitamin E supplementation sustains the immune response, promoting disease resistance.


MosPlus - Supports the presence of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract, aiding in keeping an active and healthy intestinal environment.


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