Blue Seal Sentinel Senior

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  • 41250
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  • Delivery Available with Online Checkout
  • Available In-store at Colchester Mackey's
  • Available In-store at Willimantic Mackey's
  • Available In-store at Woodstock Mackey's
Blue Seal Sentinel Senior, a Nutrient Release Formula feed, is the new generation in equine nutrition formulated specifically for senior horses, prematurely aging horses or horses with poor teeth. Sentinel Senior is a highly fortified balance of nutrients and an exclusive blend of natural additives to meet the increased nutritional demands of the senior horse due to less efficient digestive and metabolic systems. 

This unique formulation of Sentinel Senior is also recommended for certain senior horses with challenged digestive and/or metabolic systems. A pressure cooked feed offers a safe and natural way to provide essential nutrition and calories to senior horses, prematurely aging horses or horses with poor teeth and is easily digested for optimal nutrient utilization.

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