Aspen Song Choice Blend

SKU #'s

  • 966582
  • 966599
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  • Delivery Available with Online Checkout
  • Available In-store at Colchester Mackey's
  • Available In-store at Willimantic Mackey's
  • Available In-store at Woodstock Mackey's

Aspen Song Choice Blend Contains Over 30% Sunflowers & Peanuts

  • No Filler Seeds
  • Attracts a Variety of Songbirds

What’s the Right Bird Food To Use?

Aspen Song® Choice Blend contains many of the favorite seeds and nuts of the songbirds visiting backyard feeders. It includes no filler seeds or cereal grains. This general purpose mix can be the foundation for creating a backyard bird habitat. First offer Aspen Song® Choice Blend. Add other feeding stations for specific bird groups, provide suet for woodpeckers, and provide nectar for hummingbirds. You will have created a haven for many colorful songbirds.

Who Will Show Up at the Feeder?

Expect to see an array of visitors including cardinals and grosbeaks, chickadees and nuthatches, woodpeckers, sparrows, finches, and doves. Aspen Song Choice Blend is formulated to appeal to wide variety of songbirds.

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