Busy Bag Feeder

Keep your chickens focused on working for food instead of picking on coop mates.


Purina® Flock Raiser® Pellets

SKU #'s

  • 0057266
  • Delivery Available with Online Checkout
  • Not Available In-store at Colchester Mackey's
  • Available In-store at Willimantic Mackey's
  • Available In-store at Woodstock Mackey's
Purina® Flock Raiser® Pellets provide optimum nutrition for healthy mixed poultry flocks. Formulated with prebiotics and probiotics to support optimum digestive health and immune function. This is versatile 20%-protein nutrient-rich ration that provides nutrition for the following situations:
  • Feeding a mixed flock that may include hens and roosters, turkeys, pheasants, guinea fowl and peafowl.
  • Help laying hens through molt or in times when feathering needs some extra support.
  • Feeding male birds. Layer feed has too much calcium for them and should not be fed to male birds.
  • Growing and finishing birds intended for meat production.