Pine Bark Mulch, 2 cu ft Bags

SKU #'s

  • PINEM2
  • PINEM24
  • PINEM212

*Bulk Item: A one-time delivery fee of $75 will be charged for each mulch order transaction.

Pine bark Mulch is a decorative ground cover that comes in a 2 cubic foot size. It has a long lasting rich brown color and chip about inch in size. Mulch discourages weeds and conserves soil moisture.

First select order multiple (1, 4, or 12 bags), then enter desired quantity of the multiple

**BEST DEAL when you order by the .89 yard**

Pine Bark Mulch is a popular variety that is usually less expensive than other mulches yet still provides the benefits of moisture retention, soil conditioning and weed prevention. Pine mulch breaks down reasonably fast improving the organic content of the soil.

Mulching helps your plants, shrubs and trees maintain healthy root systems by protecting them from frost, cold and harmful UV rays. It also naturally helps retain soil moisture, saving you time and water. Mulch naturally suppresses weed growth and adds nutrients to the soil for thriving, healthy plants.

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