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Rose, Rise Up Lilac Days® Mini Climber Rose

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  • Delivery Available with Online Checkout
  • Available In-store at Colchester Mackey's
  • Available In-store at Willimantic Mackey's
  • Available In-store at Woodstock Mackey's

The Rise Up series of roses are the first-ever climbing roses from Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrubs. We call them "mini climbers," as they keep a neat, dense habit and can be grown as a climber or a shrub rose, depending on how the gardener prunes or trains them. Coming to us from the rose breeding genius of Chris Warner in the UK, these vigorous, healthy, reblooming roses create a range of new applications for Proven Winners roses.

Rise Up Lilac Days rose is one of the most unique roses to hit the North American market in years. Between its unique lilac-blue color and powerful, heady fragrance, it will practically fly off the bench at the garden center! Its versatile habit allows it to be grown as a climber or a shrub, making it the ideal addition to landscapes and gardens.

  • »  Unique lilac-blue color
  • »  Keeps a neat, dense habit
  • »  Disease resistant
  • »  Powerful fragrance
  • »  Make excellent cut flowers
  • »  Reblooming
  • »  Can be grown as a climber or a shrub

Category: Rose
Breeder: Proven Winners
Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Height: 5-8 ft
Spread: 2-4 ft
Bloom Color: Purple Shades
Foliage Color: Green Shades

Growing & Maintenance Tips for Rosa x Rise Up Lilac Days®

These easy-care roses defy conventional expectations of what a rose needs to thrive in your landscape. To keep it looking great, simply prune back by at least one-third of its total height each early spring, just as the new buds begin to emerge on the stems. Make your cut just above a thick, healthy bud, as these produce the most vigorous growth. It can also be fertilized at this time with a granular rose fertilizer. The plant may be deadheaded if desired, but this is not required for continuous bloom.

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