Fresh News Recycled Paper Cat Litter

  • Delivery Available with Online Checkout
  • Available In-store at Colchester Mackey's
  • Available In-store at Willimantic Mackey's
  • Available In-store at Woodstock Mackey's

Fresh News® delivers the results

Fresh News Cat Litter ~ The best litter for your cat, the environment and your home!

Keep your home clean and help the environment with Fresh News Cat Litter & Multi-Cat Litter! Fresh News Cat Litters are non-allergenic, 3x more absorbent than clan, and are biodegradable when composted.

Fresh News Cat Litters are 99% Dust Free and are Low Tracking with moisture locking granules to help neutralize litter box odors which means you can keep your home smelling fresh!

outstanding odor control

Fresh News Original Cat Litter has fast absorbing pellets with baking soda built into it to help neutralize litter tray odors. Have more than one cat? Try out Fresh News Multi-Cat Litter which offers a softer, lighter, more absorbent crumbled texture to help keep your house smelling clean!


Fresh News Original Texture offers a softer pellet that retains its form when wet reducing the amount of pellets tracked around your house. Fresh News Multi-Cat offers a softer texture that will limit the amount of litter outside of your litter box.

super absorption

Fresh News Recycled Paper Litter is 3x more absorbent than traditional clay litters.

clean household

Fresh News is 99% dust free and 100% non-allergenic. Less dust around the house leaves a cleaner litter box, a cleaner home, and a cleaner environment.

environmentally friendly

Made with 100% recycled paper; Fresh News® is biodegradable and helping to reduce landfill space and save trees from being harvested! Fresh News can be composted and used as a soil amendment or mulch.


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